Slavedrivers Of The Realm Of Silver
Slavedrivers have always been naturally of the realm of iron – or so it seems. The whips and chains and other sadomasochistic accoutrements of the slavedriver all appear induced to cause physical suffering. As this essay will explain, however, there is an entire niche of people adapted to do the same thing, only they use […]
Read more..January 15, 2020
1974: The End of the World
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
This day in history, 24 January 1974, the fixture suspending the great globe at Canterbury Museum gave out. The plaster sphere of the world exited its low orbit where it had been since 1957 and smooshed into the floor. And this happened on the exact same day the Christchurch Commonwealth Games began. After 16 years it […]
Read more..January 14, 2020
The Government, Media and Police Work Together To Suppress The Kiwi People
Many New Zealanders were shocked yesterday by the news that Right Minds columnist Dieuwe de Boer had been raided by Police, ostensibly to look for a now-banned magazine for a .22 rifle. As this essay will show, the true reason for the Police raid was as part of a wider effort to suppress dissent – […]
Read more..January 12, 2020
Social Programs vs Socialism
The difference between socialism and social programs. A social program, properly speaking, is generated by and run by the people it is there to support. It is Localism, it is needed, it is eternal. Socialism is when The State comes in and takes it over. They run it top-down from an office in Wellington or […]
Read more..January 10, 2020
Victimhood Inflation
Victimhood Cultists are running out of things to eat. At first they solve actual problems as nature intended. They open doors for little old ladies, they help the blind to see. But what does an SJW do after they’ve build wheelchair ramps to everything? Rest? Retire? Quit? Be satisfied? Stop being Victimhood Culture? Hell no! Victims […]
Read more..January 9, 2020
There’s Nothing As Profitable As Human Suffering
Everyone’s trying to figure out quick ways to make a buck. The world today is so complicated, however, that it’s not easy to see where the potential for generating profits lies. As this essay will elucidate, there’s one easy rule that one can follow to find wealth: there’s nothing in the wide world as profitable […]
Read more..January 8, 2020
1851: The Old Man of New Ulster
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Today in history, 8 January, 1851, New Ulster lost its first Lieutenant-Governor. Major-General George Dean-Pitt died at the age of 79 (or 70.) He had been politically and militarily in charge of the entire North Island, aka New Ulster, second to Governor George Grey. Born a bastard, George Dean was the son, not not heir, […]
Read more..January 8, 2020
1988: Turn Out Coffee Coloured People By The Score
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Banned in the UK!? Melting Pot, by New Zealand supergroup When the Cat’s Away. This classic Kiwi cover from 1988 must now be scratched from our airwaves if it’s not to be censored by force. The track played- and now censored- in the UK is the original song from 1969. “in breach of its community radio […]
Read more..January 7, 2020
2010s: New Zealand English Endangered?
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Marcus Lush’s talkback show is so late (this audio from 11pm, 24 October) that he gets real callers rather than the on-message voice actors of prime time radio slots. Here is a fascinating cultural clash between Lush and some indigenous South Islanders. Listen as the Auckland immigrant, Lush, tries to colonise his elders by bullying […]
Read more..January 6, 2020
What It Means To Turn Lead Into Gold
Materialists laugh at the old alchemists because modern science knows that it’s not possible to make money by transmuting lead into gold. The new alchemists laugh at the materialists, because they know that the transmutation of lead into gold is nothing close to what the materialists conceive of it as. This essay explains. The story […]
Read more..January 4, 2020
NZB3 Predicts The 2020s
New Years day is upon us, welcome to a new decade: The 2020s. In these days of r-selected hegemony there aren’t many outspoken people willing to take responsibility for holding strong views at all. Not unless they’re establishment ones! Nor is a long time horizon, an eye to the future, a common trait these days. […]
Read more..January 1, 2020
1936: Savage’s Unconventional Family
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
New Years Day, Ellerslie Races, 1936: I stumbled upon this rare photo (left) of Mrs Elizabeth French standing beside newly elected Prime Minister Savage. I have wondered about Savage’s unconventional home life with his adopted family, the Frenchs. Alfred French crash-landed in 1894 when the SS. Wairarapa disastrously sank on the way to Auckland¹. His […]
Read more..January 1, 2020