May 8, 2024

2018: “Get Woke, Or Shuffle Off”

June 8, 2021

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

On 14 June, 2018, the hospital drama Shortland Street televised a racial agenda about replacing “puffed up privileged pakeha men.” The words were on behalf of the CEO of the hospital at the climax of the episode.

“You know what I see in this hospital? The last gasp of a dying age. Puffed up, privileged Pakeha men drunk on control, terrified of change. And we are the future, Esther, not them. Oh they’ll struggle as they fall but they will fall, and I’m here to make sure the right people take their place, kei te pai?”

These words were a moment in history, the early murmurs of a particular social movement that has become more mainstream since.

The CEO character was pulling strings to help cover up Maori domestic violence and further the career of a Maori nurse. “Why are you doing this?” asked the younger Maori in order to elicit the above answer. She was to receive special treatment as part of a race-based and sex-based agenda for change. Due to the great power imbalance, the Boss was soliciting the Novice to become a compatriot of her covert conspiracy unethically and with huge pay-offs for getting on board. The show presented this as normal and even praiseworthy.

The Shortland Street writers seemed to me, at the time, to have plagiarised the villain of the X-men (2000) movie, Magneto. “We are the future, Esther, not them.” says the CEO. In a very similar conversation, Magneto says “We are the future, Charles, not them. They no longer matter.” The drama of this comic-book film is based on the civil rights conflict between the methodology of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr. How best to fight for change? One man says mankind is not evil, just uninformed. Change can come peacefully. The other man is not willing to wait and is happy to power ahead violently. In the comics, the violent character is a supervillain and there’s another point of view to contest him. In Shortland Street there is only one voice, the villain, and she is portrayed as the good.

There was a complaint at the time to the Broadcasting Standards Authority about this episode but it was not upheld.

Not Upheld: Discrimination and Denigration, Good Taste and Decency, Balance, Accuracy, Fairness 

Denis Hall complained this scene was ‘blatantly racist, sexist and ageist’ for its portrayal of ‘white males’ as ‘unreasonable, arrogant and dangerous with nothing to offer’. Mr Hall submitted the phrase ‘puffed up, privileged Pakeha’ in this scene and the implication that white males are a problem that need to be replaced was ‘offensive’ and ‘a dangerous discourse to introduce to the type of impressionable young people who tend to watch Shortland Street’.- BSA (2018)

BSA signals end to te reo Māori complaints, RNZ (2021)

Since that time the BSA has refused to consider any complaints about Maori language at all. It seems probably that they will be able to follow this up by refusing to consider complaints about Maori hegemony or sexism toward men too. After all, apparently, people are already being arrested for making complaints of that nature on their own Youtube channels!

(Ref. Charged for publishing objectionable material. Media reports it as ‘threatening’ or ‘threatening to kill’ Maoris.)

“Their Archaic Species is Becoming More Extinct”

Having been safely ferried through mainstream acceptance by the BSA the above sentiments next advanced to mainstream politics. Co-leader of the Maori Party, Rawiri Waititi, Tweeted…

“Caucasian’s and their ‘active assimilation agenda’. Pay them no attention, their archaic species is becoming more extinct as new Aotearoa is on the rise.”- Waititi, Twitter (before being redacted)

“The cau casity [sic] of Caucasian’s [sic] and their ‘active assimilation agenda’. Pay them no attention, their archaic species is becoming more extinct as a new Aotearoa is on the rise. Tangata Whenua + Tangata Tiriti = Aotearoa > Tangata Whenua + Pakeha = Old Zealand.”- exact quote according to Stuff news

Again, we have phrasing around the idea of extinction and irrelevance on the part of the Out Group. Again, the Out Group is ‘assimilationist causasians’ who are ‘archaic’ and ‘power-drunk’ and ‘male’ as opposed to the ‘future’ ‘new Aotearoa rising’. The MP did not retract but did delete his Tweet, blaming a staff member for it. He did not blame them for being wrong, only for misunderstanding his “messaging.” This suggests that, like the Shortland Street CEO, the replacement agenda is extant but covert. It seems to be essential to the strategy that it be Fabian, playing a long game without a song and a dance and an Open Society debate but winning in the end.

“These Racists Are a Dying Breed of Dinosaur”

The latest iteration of the same pattern has come from opinion-writer Tony Wall. The sentiments are the same but this time it’s non-fictional and someone is taking responsibility for what they have said. And, it’s a white man saying it.

“I just have to keep reminding myself that these racists are a dying breed of dinosaur and the melting pot will sort them out in the end…They need to get woke, or shuffle off.” – Tony Wall, Stuff (June 2021)

This article expands our vocabulary of In Group and Out Group and now it looks like this..

In Group:  “21st Century Aotearoa,” “woke,” “new Aotearoa,” “on the rise,” “the future,” “taking the Out Group’s place.”

Out Group: “white, privileged rednecks,” “clowns” who are “loosers,” “need to die,” “puffed up, privileged Pakeha men,” “Caucasions,” “drunk on control,” “assimilationists,” “dinosaur,” “archaic species,” “dying age,” “becoming extinct,” “dying breed,” “last gasp,” “terrified of change,” “struggling as they fall.”

Why did it take one of the Out Group to switch to the In Group to elaborate the Fabian playbook this way? What’s exceptional about Tony Wall is that he’s spilling the beans and putting his name and face to the agenda.

Rodney Hide has an answer: “It can’t be easy for him working at Stuff. He distracts from his own white privilege by yelling racist at his town…He should accept he’s old, white and male. And start apologising. I am sure there’s a course that could help him.” Ref. Racist dinosaurs call for one person, one voteBASSETT, BRASH & HIDE

(Ref. also Converted to Islam after the Mosque Attacks, NZB3)

Why We Cannot Have a State

Issues like these show us why we must be Anarchists. It’s why I’m an Anarchist. I accept that all groups/tribes/races/gangs/etc are always out to colonise each other. Every In-Group is trying to establish hegemony over every Out-Group. That’s nature and we don’t need to try to stop that.

That’s why we can’t have a State. The prize of being a supreme government with power to criminalise and cancel is the great danger. There really are people out there who want control over everyone else for their In Group and that is why we cannot have a State.

Capitalism is the great social system it is because it is the Open Society, it is pluralism. It allows for all sorts of languages and cultures and religions to co-exist all in once place without people trying to kill or colonise one another. The institution of religious tolerance came out of our Western heritage after so many In Group/Out Group people killed each other, taking turns burning each other at the heretic’s stake, that the survivors both decided to let the matter drop. Somewhere along the way we’ve lost that institution in our society and will need to relearn it.

Note: “shuffle off” is a euphemism for die.

Ref also. Obnoxious Misandry and Anti-White Racism on TVNZ, Solmaz Jahan, Right Minds (2018)



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