January 22, 2025

1918: Pandemic: New Zealand vs. Tasmania

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

The 1918 influenza epidemic was a Government-created disaster. It spread so far and killed so many of us simply because The State put itself in charge of the response. I know, this is an Anarchist point of view so of course that’s what I’m bound to say. But hear me out because this is exactly […]

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November 8, 2021

1946: Kararoa Dairy

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

Believe it or not this West Coast beach was once a cow paddock. Where once cows chewed grass there is now sand and some old tracks (bulldozer?) rusting away being constantly waved at by the Tasman. I discovered the concrete milking shed at Karoroa Creek along State Highway 6. It was pretty well equipped with […]

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November 8, 2021

1888: The Reign of Grace

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

Otago, the Province founded by Scots, who were empowered by Presbyterian souls, took their Christianity very seriously. As a direct result of their religion the Otago Settlers placed a very high premium on education. Hence, the founding of Otago University (1869) and of the Presbyterian Theological College (1876.) The Theological College’s founding was the same […]

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November 7, 2021

Please Remain In You’re Caste Thank You!!!


My good mate Warwick keeps telling me to watch the mainstream news but sometimes I do anyway. I tell him I can handle it. I’m way past the days when I used to get triggered unto anger and these days I find the mixture of propaganda and infomercials simply funny. So it was tonight (4 […]

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November 5, 2021

November 15th 2021: A Very Large Game of Chicken


November 15th 2021 is collision time in a very large game of Chicken. It’s the deadline the Government has provided for those in the ‘teaching’ and ‘health’ profession to either submit to the jab or forfeit their jobs. This is a *much* more even contest of wills than the government media is letting on. The […]

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November 4, 2021

1969: First televised national news broadcast

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

Dougal Stevenson had the honor of being the broadcaster to read the first televised national news broadcast. This was the NZBC, from Wellington, on November 3, 1969. Things were very different back then, setting a high standard that ended only as recently as about 2010. Early broadcasting in New Zealand aspired for high standards in […]

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November 3, 2021

If you were to flee NZ greener pastures…


Question: If you were to flee New Zealand for greener pastures where would you go? If you recognise that you need a country of your own to fight for and keep then the best one to start with is the Home you already have. The revelation that you already have a home territory might take […]

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November 3, 2021

1791: The Vancouver Expedition

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

At  9pm on Wednesday 2nd November, 1791, Captain George Vancouver’s Expedition anchored at Dusky Sound. They explored, recovered, and interacted with the local Maoris. Vancouver knew the way having been here before under the command of Captain James Cook but this time he was the master and had two ships to command, HMS Chatham and […]

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November 2, 2021