The Curse of Central Planning
By Gekko
The widespread fetish for belief in the power of elite ‘experts’ to run our lives on our behalf has received a massive boost as a result of the ongoing COVID hysteria. The desire to willingly submit our fates to a small group of technocrats who know nothing about us is one of the great mysteries […]
Read more..March 30, 2021

1899: Ranfurly Bay
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Today in history, 31 March, 1899, the Governor of New Zealand was in the midst of one of his tours. Gov. Ranfurly really got around and evidently the Liberal government of the day was happy with the returns they got for bankrolling this at our expense. In this picture (left) Premier Seddon and Ranfurly dine […]
Read more..March 30, 2021

1647: New Zealand
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
New Zealand is a Dutch discovery and the naming of our country was the cutting-edge part a ground-breaking and bold Enlightenment statement to the world. Able Tasman took his discovery home to Holland where it was added to the charts¹ by master cartographer Joan Blaeu as Nieuw Zeeland (Dutch) or Nova Zealandia (Latin) or New […]
Read more..March 29, 2021

Him becomes Them
Christchurch bred. A son of a city whose forefathers were so damned English that England wasn’t English enough for them so they made a new one and colonised it. Catholic. Elite blazered Boys school. Bullied. Traumatised by the Massacre. A teen. With a birthright like this what are you to do? What are you to […]
Read more..March 28, 2021

“Climate Anxiety Is an Overwhelmingly White Phenomenon”
Using the Theory of Moral Cultures it seemed very clear, in 2019, that the era of Victimhood Culture was going to change. Every 20 years or so, the Western World completes a cycle as sure as the annual seasons. I’ve noticed this, also that New Zealand simply lags behind by up to 4 years like […]
Read more..March 27, 2021

1904: Ranfurly’s Farewell
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Today in history, 26 March, 1904, Governor Ranfurly visited the Urewera Maori. He is on a grand farewell tour of New Zealand and this is just one stop. A visit into a last, the last, stronghold of mysterious Maoridom in the deep dark forest of the Ureweras. About 12 years later it would be found […]
Read more..March 25, 2021

MIQ Worker Vaccinated. Still Gets COVID?
Vaccinated MIQ worker still getting the COVID, why? Probably Offsetting Behaviour. Dude told by govt he was special and deserved to be first to get the special jabs. Frontline worker. At risk. Little bit afraid and his family afraid too. Ah, vaccinated! Special. Relief. Now he was not afraid of the big bad virus. Had […]
Read more..March 24, 2021

Labour Hardball
Labour 6.0 this week earns another decimal figure to their name by what they’ve done to the housing market. We wont know until it’s over if this is now Labour 6.5 or Labour 6.7 but some digits on the gauge are going to need to change over this! Our Government has announced the changes they’re […]
Read more..March 24, 2021

Your Equal Co-Parent, The State
Your own freedom to choose vaccinations for yourself and your children sure does look wobbly these days. Judge Richard John Russell of the Family Court in Blenheim considered it a fact that a 4yo had 1 other guardian beyond her mother and father: The State. Specifically, the Acting CEO of the Ministry for Children (Oranga […]
Read more..March 23, 2021

1827: The Trial of the Wakefields
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Today in history, 23 March, 1827, at the court at Lancaster Castle a judgement was made which was to have very far-reaching consequences to the history of New Zealand. The Wakefields, of course, made a family business of colonising our islands and are directly responsible for the establishment of the Wellington, Nelson and Canterbury settlements. […]
Read more..March 22, 2021

The 57 Year Old Police Rookie
“On March 4th of this year newly elected Mayor Mary Sue Beal announced that she was changing the hiring practices of this city’s police force.” “No longer would height, weight, sex, education, or physical strength be used to keep new recruits out of the Metropolitan Police Academy.” “Hundreds of people who never dreamed of becoming […]
Read more..March 20, 2021

The Propaganda Parody Spectrum
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Let us contemplate the Propaganda/Parody spectrum. This Labour 6.0 propaganda (ref video below) is on the verge, perhaps over it, of unintentionally crossing over into self-parody. There are two powers in politics: The power to criminalise and the power of comedy. Apollo and Dionysus (if you want to get Nietzschian.) Those in Government get the […]
Read more..March 20, 2021