March 31, 2025

1970: Bonus Bonds

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

Bonus Bonds (est.1970) was a National 2.0 scheme to tax something other than income and consumption. What vice it taxes I’m not certain but, like Lotto, it involves being statistically innumerate. Initially the random winners were not selected by a computerised process but then along came ‘Electronic Selective Indicator Equipment’ (ELSIE.) Prior to this, Bonus […]

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September 29, 2020

1953: Herald Island Falls to The State

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

Until 20 September 1953 there was no Local Government on Herald Island. With c.100 permanent residents, none paid property rates. No building permits required. This was Auckland Harbour but I’ve read similar things about islands in the Marlborough Sounds. Back in the day it seems the free people could build their own homes on unowned […]

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September 20, 2020



People think by politicising the good or service they worry about will fix it. That’s the whole problem with Statism. Giving their problem issue or their land or their treasure to The State, they think, is giving it to the community. Actually, that just introduces that thing into a grand game of poker on a […]

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September 17, 2020

2006: Made in Taiwan

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

Made In Taiwan (2006) features two New Zealanders following their DNA back to its source: Taiwan. Oscar Kightly is a Kiwi with Samoan biology, Nathan Rarere is part-Maori though his father’s people. This documentary is probably more amazing and cost less to make than the 3-part series ‘Origins’ (2020) showing on TVNZ tonight. The celebrity […]

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September 15, 2020

2011: NZ Productivity Commission

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

The New Zealand Productivity Commission was created by National 5.0, established on April Fools Day 2011. True paternity belongs with that Government’s coalition partner, the ACT Party of Rodney Hide¹. The Productivity Commission is the naive Liberetarian’s idea that Governments have New Zealand’s best interests in mind and would do the right thing if only […]

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September 11, 2020

1961: Salty Cycles

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

By the summer of 1961 up in Opua, Bay of Islands, the Boomer kids had found a new sport. The previous generation, Silent Generation, had a certain propensity for writing pastoral poetry. They made simple rhyming poems about events, people, and places in their home locality. My grandfather was one of these ‘cowshed poets’ and […]

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September 7, 2020

2017: Why are New Zealand Women so Lazy?

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

Why are New Zealand women so lazy? According to The Activity Inequality Project by Stanford University, they are some of the world’s most lazy people. Or, to use the language of ‘The Activity Inequality Project’, why are New Zealand women suffering from so much physical inactivity inequity? “A new study has been released showing New […]

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September 2, 2020

1951: ANZUS

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

Today in history, 1 September, 1951, the ANZUS Treaty was signed in San Francisco. It bound Australia, New Zealand, and the United States to cooperate and watch each other’s backs in the Pacific. The Korean War was still ongoing at the time. Labour 4.0 put New Zealand’s security at risk by flushing ANZUS in 1985 […]

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September 1, 2020