March 31, 2025

1939: New Zealand Listener

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

Today in history, 30 June, 1939: The first edition of the New Zealand Listener magazine was published. A major magazine in this country for just over 80 years, it expired in April 2020. How did it become such a prominent publication? First the Government took over the radio waves. Then, it prohibited anyone from reporting […]

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June 30, 2020

Free Dignity


Here’s an interesting premise: The Welfare System “lacks dignity” according to Green MP Golriz Ghahraman. The hidden premise of that statement is that dignity itself is a welfare product and it ought to be distributed by The State.   They’re already handing out free food, free money, free houses etc. These are material things. The Green’s complaint […]

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June 29, 2020

Historical Report on Hamilton Street and City Names

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

This month, June  2020, Hamilton City Council famously tore out tore out the statue of the man their city was named after, Captain John Hamilton. They did this because they understood that the temporary flare up of Black Lives Matter protestors had the agenda of vandalising the statue themselves. The city wanted to get in […]

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June 28, 2020

“Safe and Effective Justice Advisory Group”


In July 2018 Chester Borrows, former National MP, started opening up publicly, quite out of the blue, all about past Maori injustice. It was a confessional moment that made headlines. Something fishy was going on. When an old used-politics salesman or academic starts randomly sounding off like then it’s not actually news at all. It’s […]

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June 28, 2020

1817: The Murders Abroad Act

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

Today in New Zealand history, 27 June, 1817, the country was first mentioned in statute. The occasion was, for one thing, to make it quite clear that New Zealand was not part of British territory. The Murders Abroad Act became law in 1817. Continents Suspected Deep in the South Almost 50 years before, Captain Cook […]

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June 27, 2020

1989: Ancestors of the Mind

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

My name is Jim Traue. I was born in Auckland; as a child and young man I lived in Palmerston North, Hawera, Rotorua, Frankton Junction and then back in Auckland; but I have lived most of my life in Wellington. By birth, by domicile, by loyalty I am a New Zealander. I have no other […]

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June 26, 2020

Generational Accretion

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

As each Western Generation (eg. Boomers, Gen X, Millennials,..) comes of age they begin to mark their territory by memorialising their attitudes and deeds onto our landscape. After an event, such as someone’s death, a battle, a war, a discovery, a road, or even a decision, there is frequently an occasion marking it with some […]

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June 25, 2020

US Relations

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

Fair test- what’s New Zealand’s history of accepting the United States of America’s proposals on NZ foreign policy? Do Kiwis prick up their ears to listen and thank Uncle Sam for his friendly tips about how they ought to govern? The short answer: No. Longer answer: Hell no! Longer answer with evidence below. But, first, […]

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June 24, 2020

1903: Maori King Joins Executive Government

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

King Mahuta Tawhiao (Maori King 3.0) had, like his predecessors, tried to set up his own Maori State in New Zealand. They had Royalty, Prime Ministers, courtrooms, judges, laws, and armies. It was a flop. Tawhiao put the idea aside and put his crown aside too, seeking power instead by joining the Colonial Government. He […]

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June 22, 2020

1994: “They’re dead, they’re all dead.”

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

Today in history, 20 June, 1994, a broken family named Bain was murdered all in one go. This occurred at Dunedin’s suburban Anderson Bay. The killer is narrowed down to either the father, Robin Bain, or David Bain, the eldest son and only survivor (image left.) Which man did it? Robin, the 55 year old […]

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June 19, 2020

How Should We Kill the Maidens?


How Should We Kill the Maidens? A guest post by John Pugsley In my youth I was indoctrinated with all the common ideas that are infused into all of us by our culture, and had little comprehension that the causes of human conflict were not yet generally understood by the wisest and most educated in […]

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June 18, 2020

1843: The Wairau Affray

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

Today in New Zealand history, 17 June, 1843, Wairau: An Affray followed by a Massacre. Who owned the Wairau Plains? New Zealand Company were sure it was theirs, and its Cook Straight Settlers were busy trying to establish themselves in Nelson and Wellington. After all, they’d purchased the place more than once and this included […]

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June 17, 2020