2020: Frankenstein’s Maori
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Another State lolly scramble with your money, another academic corruption of what should be natural and authentic. No community, no culture, no language, requires or pursues million dollar professorial task forces to sift through accidental trivia for 3 years. No commercial enterprise would pay $666k to try to measure how much random drift words […]
Read more..January 30, 2020

1929: That Pommy Bastard
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Joseph Stewart Smith was a British boy of 15 in 1928 when he was plucked out of his native environment and forcibly acclimatised to the strange wilds of New Zealand. Without any doubt, this was traumatic to young Stewart but he repressed it. The final cut with home was being rejected at Southampton Dock by […]
Read more..January 28, 2020

2018: Language Trauma
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
What is Language Trauma? The short answer is that it was an enabling term minted in 2018 to excuse people who were supposed to be Maori but were not speaking and behaving Maori enough. What is the nature of this excuse? Who came up with it? And what is ‘Maori enough’ supposed to mean? “My […]
Read more..January 27, 2020
Where In The World Does New Zealand Rank On Cannabis Law Reform?
New Zealand was once looked to for moral leadership. We were the first country to give women the vote and the first to institute a universal old-age pension, but these were 19th Century issues. On 21st Century issues, such as cannabis law reform, we are no longer close to the frontrunners. This article attempts to […]
Read more..January 25, 2020
Narcissistic Sadism And Narcissistic Masochism
Narcissistic people pose a number of challenges for the societies in which they reside. Their selfishness is liable to cause suffering to those around them, and the indifference that the typical narcissist shows to this suffering is liable to cause violence. As this essay will examine, however, there are two distinct types of narcissism. Narcissistic […]
Read more..January 24, 2020

1974: Join Together
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Today in history, 24 January, 1974, Christchurch hosted the10th British Commonwealth Games. There was sports, there was tourism, there was construction, there was politics. Above all, it was a time for various public and private organisations to join together on a short-lived gravy train in the expectation of making some big money. Even the museum! […]
Read more..January 24, 2020
The Gentlemen Shows That The Normalisation Of Cannabis Is All But Complete
Guy Ritchie’s latest crime caper film, The Gentlemen, is the rollicking, romping gorefest that one has come to expect from the director of Snatch. Behind the larger-than-life characters and the brilliant dialogue, however, are a few hints about where society is going, and a few things made to look normal that aren’t usually normalised. This […]
Read more..January 23, 2020

1800s: New Zealand Not Quiet
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
There were thousands of non-Maori legally coming and going from New Zealand prior to 1840. Very soon after Captain Cook’s (re)discovery, this country became a destination for numerous visitors and of course it was covered by governing laws. Comment to AHNZ: No, there was no “law” at that time so how could they be legal or […]
Read more..January 21, 2020

Considering Historical Justice
I’ve had a bit of push-back about sentiments expressed in the previous post, Social Justice. My argument is that Justice is supposed to be dispensed according to the facts of the case not the facts of the race. It’s an Individualistic outlook. Our Western justice system is still running on the fumes of this outlook, […]
Read more..January 21, 2020

Social Justice
Individualism is not a value shared by all. For millions of years, humans lived in and for the tribe. The concept that one owned one’s own life and had individual rights was a revolutionary breakthrough idea so new that few even in 2020 have embraced it. In terms of human development, all our babies are […]
Read more..January 20, 2020
How The Left Snookered Itself Into Supporting Hatred
The Western Left has, by 2020, wedded itself to blank slate theory. Not only is it dogmatically true among most leftists that all human subgroups are precisely identical in intellectual capacity, but it’s also dogmatically true that if you believe that human subgroups differ in intellectual capacity you are evil. As this essay explains, the […]
Read more..January 18, 2020

1856: Invercargill
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Today in history, 17 January, 1856, the Southland city of Invercargill got its name. The proposal came from Governor Browne as a concatenation of ‘inver’ (for river mouth; Gaelic) and ‘Cargill’ for Otago’s leader, Captain William Cargill. Visiting Dunedin, the new Governor of New Zealand Colony was given a morning banquet where the idea was socially […]
Read more..January 17, 2020