If The Nazis Had Won World War II
Trade is a human universal and, as such, is more fundamental than trivialities like who exterminated who The common perception of World War II is that, had the Nazis won it, the world would now be a wasteland of rubble and burning wreckage. It’s true that the world would certainly be different in some major […]
Read more..October 31, 2019

1898: Old-age Pensions
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Today in New Zealand history, 1 November 1898, our expansionist State got its hooks on our oldest citizens by passing the Old-age Pensions Act into law. The State was setting itself up as the keeper of people in need- muscling in on the territory of family and church…. “WHEREAS it is equitable that deserving persons […]
Read more..October 31, 2019

1944: Little Poland
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Today in New Zealand history, 31 October 1944, a boatload of Polish refugees (mainly children) arrived at Wellington. The rescue kids had been displaced by the Soviets after the conquest of Germany and were likely due for a life in the Gulag Archipelago. Their homeland had been seized by National Socialists (Nazi Germany,) prompting World War […]
Read more..October 30, 2019
Who Are Virgin And Chad?
A common meme contrasts two opposing figures: the Virgin and the Chad. These two figures represent a diametrically opposed pairing in the Clown World pantheon. Like Apollo and Dionysus, who represent human reason and human nature, the Virgin and the Chad represent manifestations of the divine in human form. This essay explains. At the most […]
Read more..October 29, 2019

1982: Neil Roberts Day
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
This day in New Zealand History, 18 November, 1982, is Neil Roberts Day. The 22yo Anarchist, Neil, died making a statement about the growing power of The State in our lives. His target was the perceived centre of the New Zealand Government intelligence repository, Wairere House in Wanganui. Also known as ‘the Kremlin’ and ‘Big […]
Read more..October 29, 2019

1928: Another Liberal Monument
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Twice a hill-top monument was built to North Otago Liberal Mafia Lord, Jock McKenzie. The first was upon Pakihiwitahi (Pukehiwitahi) Hill (1902.) According to legend, Pakihiwitahi Hill had been a cursed Maori chief. Pakihiwitahi took things from the new country he had recently arrived in that did not belong to him and the gods […]
Read more..October 28, 2019
What Is ‘Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy’?
Some psychiatric conditions are inherited, despite not being genetic Of all the weird and rare psychiatric conditions, one of the strangest is Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy. This is a particularly malicious kind of disorder that involves a parent or guardian deliberately abusing their child for the sake of getting attention for themselves. As this article […]
Read more..October 28, 2019
The Implications Of Having Two Referendums At The Same Time As The General Election
At time of writing, there are two referendums scheduled to take place on the same day as the 2020 General Election. The referendum about cannabis law reform was scheduled long ago, but this week saw the news that there would also be a referendum about euthanasia at the same time. What will this mean for […]
Read more..October 26, 2019

1966: Holyoake Appointed Governor General
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Today in New Zealand history, 26 October 1977, Keith Holyoake appointed the new Governor General of New Zealand by his protege Prime Minister Robert Muldoon. A controversial move by Rob. He was not only posting the previous National Party Prime Minister but a man who was, a moment before, a member of Cabinet. The next […]
Read more..October 26, 2019

Jojo Rabbit
Jojo Rabbit (2019) tackles an essentially relevant theme of our time in history. It explores the dilemma children have in picking which of two radical and duelling factions to bond with. The titular 10 year old, Johannes “Jojo,” needs to figure out who or what to hitch his personality to. We don’t expect our babies and […]
Read more..October 25, 2019
The Great Awokening
For thousands of years, intellectual and spiritual humans have dreamed of an age where people would come to cherish truth and wisdom – a Great Awakening. Such a golden age would bring peace and harmony to the entire world. Unfortunately for us, we’re not getting such a thing. Even worse – we’re getting a sickly, […]
Read more..October 25, 2019
Is Being A Worker in 2019 Preferable To Chattel Slavery?
The school system and the mainstream media put a lot of effort into convincing us to be grateful for our lot. An entire apparatus of propaganda is devoted to pre-emptively quell rebellious impulses, so that our ruling classes can go about their business unaffected. As this essay will discuss, the overall quality of the lives […]
Read more..October 25, 2019