The Creeping Normalisation of Political Violence
“Milkshaking” and “Egg Boy” are new terms in the popular mediascape, as minor political violence continues to become normalised. Both of these phrases refer to a spate of minor assaults on anti-Establishment politicians in Britain, Australia and elsewhere. This essay looks at how this phenomenon arose and where it might lead to. In 2002, the […]
Read more..May 28, 2019

1940: The National Savings Movement
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
In November 1940 the so-branded ‘The National Savings Movement’ got its start in New Zealand. The New Zealand State was following the example of Britain (National Savings) and the USA (Defence Bonds/War Bonds.) Evidently Labour 1.0 was hard up for cash so they poured heaps of it into expensive promotional campaigns to extract more contributions […]
Read more..May 28, 2019
The 2020 General Election Will Be The Royal Rumble of New Zealand Elections
Next year’s General Election is going to be the Royal Rumble of New Zealand elections. Everyone wants to play a part in it, but only one can win. It seems that every fortnight a new party casts its hat into the ring. Numbers man Dan McGlashan, author of Understanding New Zealand, explains the electoral ramifications […]
Read more..May 27, 2019

GDP and the Mayor: None So Blind
There are none so blind as those who will not see. While discussing Doughnut Economics with Neil Holdom (New Plymouth District Mayor) earlier this became very clear. Neil recognises that Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is a poor measure of economic prosperity. He welcomed Kate Raworth’s ‘Doughnut’ criticisms earlier this month as a step in the right […]
Read more..May 26, 2019

Good Honest Chocolate
Anarchy is better for chocolate; Chocolate is better for Anarchy… Post syndicated from
Read more..May 26, 2019

1820s: The Musket Junkie Wars
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
What a massive transformative, destructive, change to New Zealand it was to introduce the musket. We understand substance abuse in terms of drugs, where individuals neglect all social fabric and livelihood, all industry and morals, clamouring for their hit. Without the performance enhancing steroids of muskets the New Zealander truly would not be able to […]
Read more..May 25, 2019
It’s Okay To Be Whatever You Naturally Are
Some controversy has been generated this week from the fact that VJM Publishing sells ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ t-shirts on TradeMe (edit: or did, looks like the listing has now been taken down). Our doing so angered the Human Rights Commission, who argued that it spreads “a message of intolerance, racism and division”. This […]
Read more..May 23, 2019

1950s: Oblaten Swaps
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
Swaps, also known as Oblaten, were an institution for young Kiwi girls from the mid-1950s to early 1960s. Perhaps the early 1970s also. Not stickers! They were for adding to young girl’s own scrapbooks which were shared with friends as a form of social media. So, rather than ipad tablets or cell phones conveying human memes […]
Read more..May 21, 2019

The boy who cried Nazi
The purpose of Victimhood Culture folk is to cry an alert when there is a genuine crisis. They sniff out problems in a population and broadcast them so Protective Cultures can respond and act. For this the protected VC gets a reward and a legitimate role within society. An important role like this is abused […]
Read more..May 20, 2019

1970s: Road Warrior Boomers
By Anarchist History of New Zealand
George Miller, film director and producer, was a young doctor in 1970s Australia. His work was full of crash victims, bloody young men who had been injured and maimed on Queensland roads. The pain, desperation, loss of limbs and general human carnage caused by speed and impact on Australian roads ate into George’s consciousness. But […]
Read more..May 19, 2019

Identitarianism is all humans have known through the modern period and certainly our ancient, pre-modern, pre-civilised eras. It has the same relationship to humanity that Social Justice Warriors do. The same in-group/out-group tribal mentality but with one difference. Both groups are busy trying to impose standards on themselves and others. They’re out to trumpet how […]
Read more..May 19, 2019

Victimhood Culture’s Escalation
Victimhood Culture is on its way out the door. During this month I’ve been sensitive to a rising tide of SCEPTICISM in the Zeitgeist. Memes of squinting Thor are all around. Why? Not because we didn’t have the image 6 months ago. We did. It’s because we’re shifting into the next cultural phase where Victimhood […]
Read more..May 17, 2019