March 15, 2025

Assid Corban’s Last Battle

September 18, 2018

By Anarchist History of New Zealand

Once the hub of a pioneer West Auckland wine empire, now a public park.Corban Estate is a nice quiet place because the area and buildings are on artificial life support by the State.

Old Man Corban, who gave it up, wants wanted to build a wine museum there. He, an ex-mayor, has had the clout and know-how to make a fight of it against the Political Mafia in charge who do not want it. In my opinion this particular battle explains why the old Corban retail shed was taken out via kamakazitruck a few weeks back…


For goodness sake! The little wine depot in Henderson’s been clipped.

Some of my best study is done at the old Corbans Estate on the picnic tables there (time the grass was cut, btw.) It’s a nice quiet place because the area and buildings are on artificial life support by the State. Since there’s no profit motive there’s no economic use. Just a bit white elephant with a few hermit-like sculptors and artists who are usually pretty quiet but sometimes attract loud swearing rants (such as on Sunday morning..)

Last night, on dusk, I passed this little shed by for an evening walk and it was all ship-shape of course. About 1am though: This.

I do suspect foul play.- AHNZ, Feb 2018

Assid Corban’s last political battle ended this week, he has just died. I’ve noticed other times when people make one last great public flash soon before they die too, it’s a recurring theme. I don’t suppose anyone will pick up Corban’s dream where he left off, especially given the stiff opposition.

Further evidence of this unusual territoriality over a supposedly public space with huge vacant spaces….

By request of Corban Estate Arts Center Management, Niantic, Inc has killed off their Pokemon Go sites around the park back in March too! But why? I noticed them about and apparently a really strong social group was threatening to develop in this unique spot. Apart from all the parking and walkways and fields and rivers the yards and yards of vacant concrete platforms and slabs once supporting viticulture were finally yielding value again.

I have to suppose that someone ‘higher up’ has their own plans for the public park that don’t include old men or young people! Don’t tell me, let me guess. The Powers That Be really want to develop the park into housing or a mall or some damn thing. It’s their land bank.

Image ref. Shane Henderson; Facebook (2017)

Note: Corban was Mayor of Waitakere City. He, and Gerrymandering, ousted incumbent Mayor Tim Shadbolt and his silly Scooby Doo gang from office in the eighties

Note: According to that Stuff article, “Corban had a love of orchids and was involved in the New Zealand Orchid Society for 61 years, including as president.” So was an even bigger political figure, Prime Minister Robert Muldoon, at the same time. What’s up with that? Is this orchid club some kind of secret society for Status Quo Seeking conservative politicians? Remind me to generate a conspiracy theory around that.

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